Leverage GenAI
without writing prompts

Due to high demand, the demo is currently unavailable. Please sign up to gain access.
Sign up to get hundreds
of GenAI apps,
customize your workflows,
and connect to your data

GenAI trained to refine your requests and write prompts

Just state your intention in a few words

Content creation, workflow automation, knowledge management, etc.

Clarify by clicking intuitive forms

Click on common UX elements to easily specify your need.

Get more relevant results effortlessly

Connect to your data, your tools, and your internal processes.

The power of GenAI without the hassle of writing to chatbots

Instead of long conversations with chatbots, use enriched and intuitive forms to clarify your intention.

  • Customize your own apps with no-code or reuse predefined AI-apps.
  • Content marketing, Sales, Support, HR, Analytics, Legal, Finance, and more.
  • Easily and securely connect to your structured and unstructured data sources.

Your Intuitive GenAI Platform


Customize your apps by chaining easy-to-use components and prompt templates.

LLM agnostic

GPT-4, Claude Opus & Sonnet, Mistral,
Llama 3, or your own fine-tuned LLM.

Security and privacy

No training on user data, encrypted at rest and in transit, data segregation.

Generative AI without writing prompts

Try now for free.

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Leverage GenAI without writing prompts
  • 1 Seat − individual only
  • 100 interactions per day
  • 10 custom AI-apps
  • 100Mb of data sources

$20 / month


Dedicated GenAI platform tailored to your data
  • Unlimited seats
  • Private instance
  • Unlimited interactions & custom AI-apps
  • Unlimited data sources

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Frequently Asked Questions


Please feel free to contact us for any question: